Our Story
Tomorrow's Agriculture Starts Today...
It started with a group of young entrepreneurs looking for new, sustainable opportunities in Alberta...

Commissioned 1st Processing line (Fall 2023)
Officially started processing hemp and fulfilling purchase orders.
Final steps for monetizing soil carbon credit opportunities.
28 full-time employees.

Completed construction of 40,000 sq.ft. Bruderheim Processing Facility
Installed 2 processing lines (Fall 2022)
Partnered with Results Driven Agriculture Research (RDAR) and the Institute of Bast Crops in Ukraine to add Ukrainian single-purpose fiber varieties to Canada's current List of Approved Cultivars (LOAC) varieties.
Completed the largest-ever hemp fiber harvest in North America (6,000 acres).

Rasied an additional $5.5M in equity.
Contracted and harvested 5,000 acres of hemp fiber.
Patented degumming technology and harvest equipment.
Procured Decortication Line 1.

Raised an addition $4M in equiity.
Secured $8M in debt financing from Agriculture Financial Services Corportation (AFSC) and Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC).
Contracted 40 local Alberta farmers to grow 3,000 acres of hemp.
Successfully harvested 3,000 acres of hemp.
Processed CRHC grown hemp through multiple decortication systems.
Opened Lamont R&D Facility to trial multiple processing systems at commercial scale.
Secured first international off-take agreements.

Raised $4M from local Alberta investors.
Started construction of Bruderheim Processing Facility.
Contracted local Alberta farmers to grow 1,500 acres of hemp.
Started decorticating hemp (1 tonne/hour).
Developed 1st generation custom harvesters.

Purchased 75 acres of agri-industrial land in Bruderheim, Alberta, Canada.
Started soil carbon field science and credit protocol development.

2016 - 2017
Visited and researched industrial hemp markets, feedstock sources, and processing technologies in China, Ukraine, Europe, the U.S., and Australia.

Canadian Rockies Hemp Corp. (CRHC) is an agribusiness operating in Bruderheim, Alberta, Canada (40 minutes NE of Edmonton).
CRHC processes hemp fiber at scale, with the goal of building a sustainable and profitable future for generations to come.
CRHC provided sustainable, consistent commercial supply of processed hemp biomaterials to manufacturing facilities in Canada, the United States, and around the world.
Processed hemp is quickly becoming a high-demand input for industries such as textiles, pulp and paper, automotive, animal bedding, building and insulation, composites, and more.